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My projects

This page records a list of my projects completed or currently in production.


Show pitch

Jordan & Co' 

Paranormal Investigator's

In the town of Jarrahdale  a mid thirties paranormal investigator along with her teenage protégé', solve dark mysteries whilst trying not to upset strange spirits.

Show pitch in development

Our Monsters

Two brothers, a new recruit and younger cadet join join a team of power ranger like monster hunters. Dedicated to protecting what's left of they're world the brothers face challenges and embrace strange adventures.

Our Monsters.png
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Crimson & Teal

In a strange fantasy world humanity is mutated and empowered by a mysterious magic. One young warrior braves his past to embark on a journey that will save his were-wolf friend.

Happily Ever After & After

A young prince wakes up in the morning expecting just another typical day in his magic kingdom. Things take a turn later in the day however when a strange magic erupts from beneath the kingdom and the young prince is challenged to find the perfect happily ever after & after.

A 3d Disney esc animated fantasy animated film.

Happily Ever After & After.png
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